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Stormwater Control Types

Retention (Wet) Pond

These ponds are designed to hold water year round.  They will hold more water after a rain then slowly let if flow out.  They usually have a structure that allows for opening or closing the outflow, also they will have an overflow so that water can pass through in a large rain event.


Detention  (Dry) Pond

These (ponds) often do not even look like ponds.  Many detention ponds look just like a hill covered in grass, or an overgrown forest (when not maintained.). Properly functioning they should hold water during a rain and then drain completely in a few days after the event. 


Vegetation inside and out is important and needs to be maintained for flow integrity as well as erosion prevention.


Water Quality Unit

These are underground units that separate trash and sediment from water.  There are many different kinds and all have different maintenance procedures.  Some need to be cleaned with a vac truck and sprayed with a pressure washer, while some have filter units that need to be cleaned or replaced.


Bio Retention Pond

These ponds capture and store stormwater and pass it through a filter bed of engineered soil.  Plants inside the pond are vital to its success.  Excessive sediment and invasive growth can severely damage these ponds.  Bio retention ponds usually require the most maintenance of all types of stormwater controls.


Permeable Pavers or Pavement

These pavers capture runoff through the voids between the pavers.  It is very important to keep these clean or they can clog up and lose effectiveness.  These are becoming more common in areas with limited space and allows for stormwater to flow directly into the parking area, walkways, or patio instead of being channeled somewhere else.

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